Join us today for your first dance

Welcome to G&J Studio

Marek Gabor & Denisa Jancusova, licensed dance teachers by the University of Physical Education in Slovakia, have been dancing together since 1994. Their rich ballroom history covers competitive couple dancing, standard and latin formation teams, as well as teaching and coaching competitors and social dancers.

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DANCE PROGRAM FOR KIDS: Take it to the Top

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Client Testimonials

Instructors Know
Who we are


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    Spring G&J Showcase

    Spring G&J Showcase themed Game ON at 4:00 PM. Support our stars or become one yourself! Night Full of Shows and Fun. Please register in advance!
  • 14


    Fall G&J Showcase

    Fall G&J Showcase themed TBA at 4:30 PM. Come to support our stars or become one yourself! Night Full of Shows, Dancing, Food and Fun. Please register in advance!

News & Group Classes

Beginner classes

Beginner classes

  • Instructor: Denisa

Thursday, February 13th we are starting new cycle of Basic classes Tango, Salsa at 7:00 PM. Singles, couples all ages are welcome. Lessons are 45min long and run for 4-6 weeks.

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